Mark Poster’s “Postmodern Virtualities” and Pierre Levy’s “Becoming Virtual”

In this reading, I’m going to be looking at both Mark Poster’s “Postmodern Virtualities” as well as two chapters from Pierre Levy’s Becoming Virtual: Reality in the Digital Age. I will indicate their respective passages, but will also intertwine them in my notes, as they comment well on one another. Poster: The discussion of postmodern…

Game Mods and Autonomy in the Cyber-Public Sphere

This is a proposal for a larger body of work focusing on authorship and identity in cyberspace. I’m trying to look into the re-appropriation of programs, software, and tools that are turning Internet users into producers of various types of media. I’m interested in what happens when people start to use programs made available to…

EveryThing: The game of (real)life

Oh McSweeney’s, you’ve done it again. Gamify Your Life with EveryThing This part cracked me up: Or you can just buy points! Money really helps you get ahead in EveryThing! Fame, too, is a major source of points—and the higher you rise on our global LifescoreBoard, climbing over people less worthy than you from all over the world,…

Final Fantasy XII: Forever

If I could summarize this game into a few words they would be: Awesome, Hard, Complicated, Boring. Also, Forever as in it takes forever. Embarrassingly (and yes, this is embarrassing because of how much I’ve loved the FF franchise for years), I’ve been playing the same game of FFXII for the last 4 years. This is…

The Walking Dead: Episode 1

I’m almost done the first episode of this game series, and let me just say that it’s the closest I’ve ever come to having control over what my character is actually saying/doing. I won’t go into the mechanics of the entire game, but with reference to the narrative and dialogue, your character, Lee Everett, is…